I love friends > Find My friends"; $green_box_img = "bar_icon02.gif"; $green_box = "I love friends"; include "../include/header.php"; ?>
Location of Org.
Period in Org.   ~  
Age   ~  
Gender   Male Female  
Friend Name    

= $_REQUEST[year_f] OR my_school.year_t >= $_REQUEST[year_f]) AND (my_school.year_f <= $_REQUEST[year_t] OR my_school.year_t <= $_REQUEST[year_t]))"; } else if($_REQUEST[year_f]) { $qry .= " AND (my_school.year_f >= $_REQUEST[year_f] OR my_school.year_t >= $_REQUEST[year_f])"; } else if($_REQUEST[year_t]) { $qry .= " AND (my_school.year_f <= $_REQUEST[year_t] OR my_school.year_t <= $_REQUEST[year_t])"; } if($_REQUEST[age_f] && $_REQUEST[age_t]) { $from = date("Y") - $_REQUEST[age_f]; $from_date = $from."1231"; $to = date("Y") - $_REQUEST[age_t]; $to_date = $to."0101"; $qry .= " AND (member.dob BETWEEN $to_date AND $from_date)"; } else if($_REQUEST[age_f]) { $from = (date("Y") - $_REQUEST[age_f]) + 1; $from_date = $from."0101"; $qry .= " AND (member.dob < $from_date)"; } else if($_REQUEST[age_t]) { $to = date("Y") - $_REQUEST[age_t]; $to_date = $to."0101"; $qry .= " AND (member.dob >= $to_date)"; } if($_REQUEST[user_name]) { $formatted_name = strtoupper($_REQUEST[user_name]); $name_array = explode(" ",$formatted_name); $qry .= " AND ( "; for($na=0;$na= $total) $limit=$total; $scale1 = $limit - $cline; $qry = $qry." LIMIT $cline,$scale1;"; $result = mysqli_query($connect, $qry,$connect); ?>
Search Results
"); } else { for($s=0;$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);$s++) { $hp_qry = "SELECT * FROM homepage WHERE seq_num=$row[seq_num]"; $hp_res = mysqli_query($connect, $hp_qry,$connect); $hp_tot = mysqli_num_rows($hp_res); if($hp_tot) { $hp_row = mysqli_fetch_array($hp_res); if($hp_row[pf_pic]) { $pf_src = "http://images.totalinfo.co.nz".$hp_row[pf_pic]; } else { if($row['gender'] == 'M') { $pf_src = "/images/fri_pho01.gif"; } else { $pf_src = "/images/fri_pho02.gif"; } } } else { if($row['gender'] == 'M') { $pf_src = "/images/fri_pho01.gif"; } else { $pf_src = "/images/fri_pho02.gif"; } } $age = date("Y") - date("Y",strtotime($row[dob])); if($row['gender'] == 'M') { $gender_txt = "Male"; } else { $gender_txt = "Female"; } if($row[school_org] == 'pr') { $org_txt = "Primary School"; } else if($row[school_org] == 'inter') { $org_txt = "Intermediate"; } else if($row[school_org] == 'col') { $org_txt = "College"; } else if($row[school_org] == 'ter') { $org_txt = "Teriary School"; } else if($row[school_org] == 'post') { $org_txt = "Post Graduate"; } else if($row[school_org] == 'work') { $org_txt = "Workplace"; } else if($row[school_org] == 'club') { $org_txt = "Club"; } if(fmod($s,2) == 0 ) { $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; } else { $bgcolor = "#F5F5F5"; } $friend_qry = "SELECT * FROM my_friend WHERE seq_num='$_SESSION['p_seq_no']' AND friend_no='$row[seq_num]'"; $friend_res = mysqli_query($connect, $friend_qry,$connect); $friend_tot = mysqli_num_rows($friend_res); if($friend_tot || ($_SESSION['p_seq_no'] == $row[seq_num])) { $tick_tag = ""; } else { $tick_tag = ""; } ?>
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