// Includes the left menu on the left
if(isset($box_mode) == false || $box_mode != 'wo') {
$fst_qry = "SELECT * FROM helpinfo WHERE parentname='' ORDER BY catename";
$fst_res = mysqli_query($connect, $fst_qry ,$connect);
for($i=0; $fst_row=mysqli_fetch_array($fst_res); $i++){
$snd_qry = "SELECT * FROM helpinfo WHERE parentname!='' AND catedep=2 AND catenum BETWEEN ($catenum + 1) AND ($catenum + 999999) ORDER BY catename";
$snd_res = mysqli_query($connect, $snd_qry,$connect);
for($j=0; $snd_row=mysqli_fetch_array($snd_res); $j++){
echo "";
echo " •$catename1";
$trd_qry = "SELECT * FROM helpinfo WHERE parent='$catenum1' AND catedep=3 ORDER BY catename";
$trd_res = mysqli_query($connect, $trd_qry ,$connect);
if($num_row) {
for($l=0; $trd_row=mysqli_fetch_array($trd_res); $l++) {
echo " - $trd_row[catename]";
echo " ";