// Connects to the db include("../php/config.php"); // Includes related functions include("../php/util.php"); $connect=my_connect($host,$dbid,$dbpass,$dbname); include("../php/account.php"); include("../php/update_history.php"); ?>
// Includes the left menu on the left include("../include/left_menu.php"); ?> |
if(isset($box_mode) == false || $box_mode != 'wo') {
} ?> function remain_cls($end_time) { $timestamp=mktime(substr($end_time,8,2),substr($end_time,10,2),0,substr($end_time,4,2),substr($end_time,6,2),substr($end_time,2,2)); $now_time=time(); $remain_time = (int)$timestamp - (int)$now_time; $t_res = getdate($timestamp); if((int)$remain_time<=0){ $remain = "Closes"; }elseif($remain_time<3600){ $remain = $t_res[minutes]."m"; }elseif(($remain_time<86400)&&($remain_time>=3600)){ $h= (int)($remain_time/3600); $m= (int)($remain_time%3600); $remain = $h."h"." ".(int)($m/60)."m"; }elseif((int)$remain_time>86400){ $remain = $t_res[mday]." ".substr($t_res[month],0,3)." ".substr($t_res[weekday],0,3); } return $remain; } function remain_cls0($end_time) { $timestamp=mktime(substr($end_time,8,2),substr($end_time,10,2),0,substr($end_time,4,2),substr($end_time,6,2),substr($end_time,2,2)); $remain01 = date("g:i a , d M y", $timestamp); return $remain01; } function remain_cls1($end_time) { //for index3.php 204 $timestamp=mktime(substr($end_time,8,2),substr($end_time,10,2),0,substr($end_time,4,2),substr($end_time,6,2),substr($end_time,2,2)); $now_time=time(); $remain_time = (int)$timestamp - (int)$now_time; $d= (int)($remain_time/86400); $h= (int)($remain_time/3600); $m= (int)($remain_time%3600); $hh= (int)($remain_time%86400)/3600; $hh = (int)$hh; if((int)$remain_time<=0){ $remain = "closes"; }elseif($remain_time<3600){ $remain = $remain_time/60 ; $remain = (int)$remain." min" ; }elseif(($remain_time<86400)&&($remain_time>=3600)){ if($t_res[minutes]==0){ $remain = " ".$h." Hours"." ".(int)($m/60)." m"; //replace sec } }elseif((int)$remain_time>86400){ $remain = $d." days"." ".$hh." h"." ".(int)($m/60)." m"; } return $remain; } function remain_cls2($end_time) { //for index3.php 535 $timestamp=mktime(substr($end_time,8,2),substr($end_time,10,2),0,substr($end_time,4,2),substr($end_time,6,2),substr($end_time,2,2)); $now_time=time(); $remain_time = (int)$timestamp - (int)$now_time; $d= (int)($remain_time/86400); $h= (int)($remain_time/3600); $m= (int)($remain_time%3600); $hh= (int)($remain_time%86400)/3600; $hh = (int)$hh; if((int)$remain_time<=0){ $remain = "closes"; }elseif($remain_time<3600){ $remain = $remain_time/60 ; $remain = (int)$remain." min" ; }elseif(($remain_time<86400)&&($remain_time>=3600)){ if($t_res[minutes]==0){ $remain = " ".$h." Hours"." ".(int)($m/60)." m"; //replace sec } }elseif((int)$remain_time>86400){ $remain = $d." days,"." ".$hh." hr,"." ".(int)($m/60)." mins"; } return $remain; } function remain_cls3($end_time) { $timestamp=mktime(substr($end_time,8,2),substr($end_time,10,2),0,substr($end_time,4,2),substr($end_time,6,2),substr($end_time,2,2)); $remain01 = date("G:i j/n/y", $timestamp); return $remain01; } function remain_cls4($anum,$connect) { $query_e="select * from auct_master_join where (anum='$anum' and join_gb='1') order by jnum desc"; // echo $query_e; $result_e=mysqli_query($connect, $query_e,$connect); $row_end=mysqli_fetch_array($result_e); mysqli_free_result($result_e); $timestamp=mktime(substr($row_end[join_created],8,2),substr($row_end[join_created],10,2),0,substr($row_end[join_created],4,2),substr($row_end[join_created],6,2),substr($row_end[join_created],2,2)); $remain04 = date("G:i j/n/y", $timestamp); return $remain04; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function my_connect1($host,$id,$pass,$db) { $connect=mysqli_connect($host,$id,$pass); mysqli_select_db($connect, $db); return $connect; } /// local info ?> if(isset($c) && $c) { // Skips when it's used for the first depth category $query = "select * from category where catedep=$cdep and catenum between ($c+1) and ($c+ $range_end) ORDER BY catename"; } else { $query = "select * from category where catedep=$cdep ORDER BY catename"; } $result = mysqli_query($connect, $query); $total=mysqli_num_rows($result); if(isset($first_cate) && $first_cate) { $next_range_end = $range_end; } else { $range_len = strlen($range_end); if($range_len >2) { $next_range_end = substr($range_end,2); } else { $next_range_end = 0; } } ?>
// // Searching by locations begins // ?> if((isset($state) && $state) || (isset($city) && $city) || (isset($town) && $town)) { echo (" "); } // // Searching by locations ends // $location_condt = ""; if(isset($town) && $town) { $location_condt .= "town_no=".$town; } else { if(isset($city) && $city) { $location_condt .= "city_no=".$city; } else { if(isset($state) && $state) { $location_condt .= "state_no=".$state; } else { if(isset($f_left_country) && $f_left_country) { $location_condt .= "country_no=".$left_country; } } } } $where_in_qry = ""; if($location_condt) { $where_in_qry .= $location_condt; if(isset($keyword) && $keyword) { include("../buying/keyword_search.php"); $where_in_qry .= " AND $query0"; } } else { if(isset($keyword) && $keyword) { include("../buying/keyword_search.php"); $where_in_qry = "$query0"; } } ?> // Forming a query begins $select="SELECT * FROM auct_master"; $current_time=date('YmdHis'); if(isset($sort2) && $sort2 == 'closed') { $sort_2 = "(end_chk = 'Y')"; $selected2_closed=" selected"; } else { $sort_2 = "(end_chk = '' AND delete_chk='1' )"; if(isset($sort2) && $sort2=="all"){ $sort_2 .= ""; $selected2_all=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort2) && $sort2=="buy_now"){ $sort_2 .= "AND ( auction='2' AND limit_amt !='0.00') "; $selected2_bnw=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort2) && $sort2=="reserve"){ $sort_2 .= "AND ( auction='2' AND curr_amt >= reserve )"; $selected2_rm=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort2) && $sort2=="no_reserve"){ $sort_2 .= "AND ( auction='2' AND start_amt = reserve ) "; $selected2_nr=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort2) && $sort2=="used") { $sort_2 .= "AND ( used='2')"; $selected2_used=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort2) && $sort2=="new") { $sort_2 .= "AND ( used='1')"; $selected2_new=" selected"; } } ///category cate_limit if(isset($c1) && $c1){ $cate_limit = "( catenum BETWEEN $c1 AND $c1+999999 )"; } elseif(isset($c2) && $c2){ $cate_limit = "( catenum BETWEEN $c2 AND $c2+9999 )"; } elseif(isset($c3) && $c3){ $cate_limit = "( catenum BETWEEN $c3 AND $c3+99 )"; } elseif(isset($c4) && $c4){ $cate_limit = "( catenum = $c4 )"; } else { $cate_limit = "( catenum BETWEEN 1000000 AND 99000000 )"; } if(isset($sort1) && $sort1=="all") { $sort_1=""; $selected1_all=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort1) && $sort1=="title") { $sort_1=" ORDER BY prod_name ASC"; $selected1_title=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort1) && $sort1=="low") { if(isset($sort1) && $sort1 == 'buy_now') { $sort_1=" ORDER BY limit_amt ASC"; } else { $sort_1=" ORDER BY IF(auction='1',start_amt,curr_amt) ASC"; } $selected1_low=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort1) && $sort1=="hight") { if(isset($sort1) && $sort1 == 'buy_now') { $sort_1=" ORDER BY limit_amt DESC"; } else { $sort_1=" ORDER BY IF(auction='1',start_amt,curr_amt) DESC"; } $selected1_hi=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort1) && $sort1=="hot") { $sort_1=" ORDER BY binary(join_cnt) DESC"; $selected1_hot=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort1) && $sort1=="latest") { $sort_1=" ORDER BY binary(auct_start) DESC"; $selected1_latest=" selected"; } else if(isset($sort1) && $sort1=="close") { $sort_1=" ORDER BY binary(auct_end) ASC"; $selected1_closing=" selected"; } else { $sort_1 = " ORDER BY premier ASC, binary(auct_end) ASC"; } $cond = ""; if(isset($sort_2) && $sort_2) { $cond .= " AND ".$sort_2; } if(isset($where_in_qry) && $where_in_qry) { $cond .= " AND ".$where_in_qry; } if(($cate_limit && !$keyword) || ($cate_limit && $insearch==1 && $keyword)) { $cond .= " AND ".$cate_limit; } if((isset($first_cate) && !$keyword) || (isset($first_cate) && $insearch ==1 && $keyword)) { $cond .= " AND (frontp=1)"; } if(isset($_REQUEST['userid']) && $_REQUEST['userid']) { $cond .= " AND userid='".$_REQUEST['userid']."'"; } $where_q = " WHERE 1".$cond; $query_tatal=$select.$where_q.$sort_1; //category limit //echo $query_tatal; // Forming a query ends ///category transform if(isset($c1) && $c1){ $catenum_l=$c1; } elseif(isset($c2) && $c2){ $catenum_l=$c2; } elseif(isset($c3) && $c3){ $catenum_l=$c3; } elseif(isset($c4) && $c4){ $catenum_l=$c4; } $town=$city=$state=''; if(isset($town) && $town){$town_l = "&town=".$town; } if(isset($city) && $city){$city_l = "&city=".$city; } if(isset($state) && $state){$state_l = "&state=".$state; } $keyword=$insearch=''; if(isset($keyword) && $keyword){$keyword_l = "&keyword=".$keyword; } if(isset($insearch) && $insearch){$insearch_l = "&insearch=".$insearch; } if(isset($c1) && $c1){ $catetrans1 = "c1" ; $cate_num=$c1; } elseif(isset($c2) && $c2){$catetrans1 = "c2" ; $cate_num=$c2; } elseif(isset($c3) && $c3){$catetrans1 = "c3" ; $cate_num=$c3; } elseif(isset($c4) && $c4){$catetrans1 = "c4" ; $cate_num=$c4; } $pass_cate=''; if(isset($catetrans1) && $catetrans1) { $pass_cate = $catetrans1."=".$cate_num."&"; } // Sets a url for the shopinfo $shop_url = "http://sh.totalinfo.co.nz".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$pass_cate."state=$state&city=$city&town=$town&keyword=$keyword&insearch=$insearch"; ?> if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] != '/buying/seller.php') { $gate_to = ""; } ?> ////print_r($_REQUEST); ?> |
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